BOOKs By Amélie Des Plantes

Think Like An Ecosystem: Published February 2022

In Think Like An Ecosystem, you’ll discover:

  • A comprehensive 9-step guide to practicing and implementing permaculture (curated for beginners)

  • The 12 crucial principles of permaculture—observe and replicate nature’s finest solutions to maximize efficiency

  • How to plan and design your backyard’s landscape—from zones and water resources to soil types and more

  • A beginner-friendly guide to water management, including rainwater harvesting and irrigation systems for water conservation

  • How to create living nutrient-rich soil—command the power of simple composting and mulching methods

  • The many benefits of no-till gardening—preserve your soil and improve its quality

  • How to build your own garden beds—from popular raised-bed and in-ground methods to exotic methods like hügelkultur and herb spirals

  • The A-Z of plant guilds and companion planting—a comprehensive list of plants to grow together to maximize your output

  • Integrated pest management—100% natural, organic and eco-friendly

And much more.

Soil Science For Regenerative Agriculture: Published April 2023

Work with nature to consistently grow the highest quality produce—all while doing your part in fighting climate change and helping the environment.

Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll discover from this book:

  • 8 reasons you should stop tilling RIGHT NOW—and what you should be doing instead
  • Why carbon isn’t the main bad guy in our “carbon problem”
  • How we’ve been jeopardizing our soil quality—and aquatic life—since the industrial revolution
  • Why organic fertilizer won’t solve all your soil problems—and what you should know before grabbing a bag or two for your garden
  • 7 essential soil tests to help you figure out everything you need to know about your soil
  • The hidden downsides of generating renewable energy through hydropower
  • The key to maximizing plant health for optimum crop quality
  • How to compost—the right way!
  • A Korean farming method that helps you eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers
  • A 9-step soil regeneration action plan to produce high-quality topsoil

And so much more.

Even if you don’t think you have a green thumb and don’t have the slightest idea of what soil science is, you’ll be able to boost your soil quality in no time with these simple techniques.

Give back to our Earth by giving back to the Earth—starting today!